It is difficult to say here where the ancient world ends and the modern one begins. Amman, the capital city of Jordan gently clads the seven beige mountains (called ‘Jabal’) trying to race ‘against’ as well as ‘with’ time. ‘Against’ because it is trying desperately to clasp whatever history is left of it and ‘with’ to keep up with progressive modernity at the same time.

With the Amman Citadel and the Roman Amphitheatre situated right in its heart, Amman is like a bridge traversing from the old to the new. For thousands of years, it has successfully maintained a balance between the two worlds without letting go of either. Here you will find a perfect blend of the Roman, Byzantine and Umayyad periods. The history of the Citadel can be traced back to the Neolithic era. Of whatever ruins remains of the Citadel, the Temple of Zeus will surely catch your attention. With the gigantic pillars reaching up into the skies and the elegant arches it is not hard to imagine what zenith of prosperity the old world had reached. Here allow yourself to marvel at the Umayyad Palace and the huge collection of the Archaeological Museum. From here, the entire city of Amman pans out like the wings of a bird ready to soar high up in the skies.

While the Citadel sits atop a hill, the Roman Amphitheatre sits right at its foothills, in the middle of a busy thoroughfare of the modern city. With a sitting capacity of 6000, this 2nd-century Roman architect has continued to entertain mankind for centuries until this day. The adjacent museum here showcases artefacts from bygone eras. In a few words, Amman can be described as ‘Rome outside of Rome.’
The thriving downtown pulsates with a palpable energy where the locals and tourists mingle. Every corner of the crowded street is spilling with bustling activities. The hawkers' cries to the local cuisines' aromas fill the air. Make sure to collect your Jordan’s famous sand bottle souvenir. Known as ‘The City of Stairs’ Amman will surely rub off its both old and new world charm on you.
