By Sony George:
Of course !! What a question. I love to Travel. This story is a real incident during my recent travel, which is thought provoking and a bit funny. A smart looking girl ( IT Professional) was in my flight to India. We all boarded as per COVID 19 protocol seated firmly and the flight took off. 20 to 30 min into the flight came our refreshments and a middle aged guy who was not comfortable complying with mask on was next to her. The crew requested him to wear the face mask all the times, except during food or drinks. His response was " there is no covid here and I am vaccinated" . The crew continued to serve refreshments ignoring the person who seems to be a bit difficult one. This girl suddenly asked him, Sir do you drive or Drink Coffee. Yes the reply came. She told him like a story, sir we use filter on our computer or Microsoft programmes. Do you use a computer ? You know why the filter is there, like in a car ?. It is to ensure we see or receive what is required for the computer during the work we are doing. We use filter while preparing coffee to make sure the small particles do not comes into our coffee. If you use mask, you receive less VIRUS from the air inside the flight and you release less dirty ones from your mouth to us. Her facial expression was literally mocking at him. Otherwise please continue what you do and get penalized as announced during the flight instruction. With so much reluctance, the person put on the face mask for the rest of the travel until the flight landed. The moral of the story / incident is be responsible in all our actions.