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  • Writer's pictureRishita Dey

Varanasi - Where the Cosmic Time and Space Stays Still

From the womb of chaos, creation is born. Watching silently over his creation, he who holds the entire cosmos within himself resides here. He is Kaal Bhairav. And this is his abode, Varanasi. Also, otherwise known as Banaras or Kashi. But whatever name you choose to call it, this place will always evoke the same questions from inside you, Who am I? Where do I come from? Where shall I go?

You may or may not find answers to all the questions, but you will certainly come to terms with your existence. For here you shall witness prominently the cycle of life and death in constant motion like the timeless flow ebb and flow of the river Ganges.

When in Varanasi listen carefully. You shall hear whispers of myths orbiting everywhere in this older-than-the-oldest city. Leaving you amazed.

Observe your surroundings for you are the one created for a definite purpose. Try finding that reason. For it is here where creation becomes a part of the cosmos. Leaving you curious.

It is the place for healing. It is a place to attain enlightenment. It is a place of self-acceptance. It is a place where you will meet your truest form.

Here where the burning ember of the wood from the funeral pyres continues to shimmer throughout the days as the smoke curls upward to attain the soul’s salvation, you shall find solace, knowing your life was in fact a celebration on this earth.

Find joy in that realization, for here in Varanasi, the Universe is definitely listening.

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