The curve of the perfect crescent appears like a flawless smile on the City of Destiny. Stretched out in thick green foliage, house of various shapes and sizes peeks at you. And if it is evening they will even twinkle like scattered stars. Embracing the Bay of Bengal you can hear the city happily sigh. Although the city has many names like Waltair, Visakhapatnam, Vizagapatnam, she is lovingly known as Vizag.
Located in Andhra Pradesh, India, Vizag is bound to call out to your traveler spirit with her wondrous treasures and you cannot ignore her call. A couple of days spent with her will easily refresh your mind, body and soul.
From Kailashgiri which is situated on a hill, you can have a perfect painting-like view of the city below. Here the sound of the sea and the city is lost to the hair-whipping wind. As the flirtatious wind plays around you joyfully, take a walk around the perfectly manicured garden to enjoy a quiet surrounding. And who knows maybe in all the calmness you get a chance to meet your own self.
Dotted with a number of beaches like Yarada, Rushikonda, Ramakrishna Vizag has no dearth of Mother Natures’ blessings. Each of the beaches is unique to themselves. While Yarada is much more serene and calm compared to the commercial cacophony of Ramakrishna, Rushikonda is equally scenic and popular. But no matter which beach you are exploring you can soak in the stunning picturesque view. Surrounded by hills and clear sandy shore you will be compelled to sit and enjoy the view or maybe even end up talking to the sea.
Vizag boasts as the Eastern Naval Command of India and is nicknamed as ‘Jewel of the East’. Here in Ramakrishna beach, you can plunge into the belly of submarine Kursura which can leave with open-mouthed in amazement as you imagine the life under the sea.
Your adventure around Vizag will take you up the Light House from where you can gaze down at the dolphin snout-like rock structure in the water. The view here can sweep you off your feet as you get the chance to see 360 degrees. A heavenly panoramic view opens up here. Waves of green from treetops hovers mid-air giving a sense of a sea of a different kind and from its depth comes the song of unknown birds. The sound of the real sea rushes in to fill your ears. Together all the sounds sync in a flawless harmony that brings everything alive.
Vizag with all her simplicity, serenity and sincerity gives you her all and even if you have visited her earlier you can always keep going back again and again.